Informacijski pooblaščenec Republika Slovenija
dekorativna slika

My rights

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Legal interest is irrelevant!

First and foremost all applicants must realise that they are allowed access to all public information so defined by law. In this regard no legal interest needs to be asserted, and no body is justified to demand it.

The purpose of use is also irrelevant, except in cases when the re-use of information is intended

Also the body is not allowed to question your motives for the attaining of the requested information. However the law in this part anticipates a single exception that is, when the re-use of information is in question. In this case the applicant is obliged to file his application as an application for the re-use of public information. In case an applicant uses the obtained information for commercial purposes and the body didn't issue an authorisation of such use, a natural person can for this violation be fined in the amount of EUR 1,251.87, and a legal person in the amount of up to EUR 2,518.77.

Time-limit for a decision and the right to an appeal

The body must decide on your application within 20 working days, however in exceptional circumstances the time-limit for a decision can be extended for at most for 30 working days - the time-limit can only be extended with a procedural decision passed in 15 working days after the receipt of the application. If the body fails to respond in the stated time-limit it shall be deemed that the request was refused. As an applicant you are in this case entitled to file an appeal to the information Commissioner.

The right to choose the form of information received

The body must also take into consideration the stated form in which you wish to obtain the requested information. Therefore if you requested information in the form of photo copies the body must deliver the information in the form you specified. In case the body only grants the right to view the information, you are entitled to file an appeal.


The right to assistance from the official competent for transmission of public information

Should you experience difficulties with writing your application to access to public information, please consult an official within the particular body competent for transmission of public information. The official is obliged to offer you appropriate assistance; you're therefore entitled to demand so. On the information Commissioner's web site you can also find a draft application, which can help you to obtain the desired information faster and easier.