Informacijski pooblaščenec Republika Slovenija
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Competencies of the Information Commissioner under the Access to Public Information Act

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Under the Access to Public Information Act, Information Comissioner is: 

  • deciding on the appeals against the decisions by which another body has refused or dismissed the applicant’s request for access, or violated the right to access or re-use public information,

  • supervising the implementation of the Act governing access to public information and regulations adopted within the framework of appellate proceedings.

Competencies of the Information Commissioner under the Public Media Act are:

    • deciding on a written appeal against a refusal or partial refusal to reply to a media or to its representative. The refusal is considered as a negative decision of the body, although only in cases when the refusal or partial refusal originates from a document, matter, dossier, register, record or other archives (in accordance with Art. 45(10) of the Public Media Act);

      • if the body does not produce a written reply to the media's request for information of public character on whether he will reply to the request or refuse the reply, at the latest until the end of the next working day after the receipt of request;
      • if the body, contrary to the obligation laid upon in the Public Media Act, does not provide the media with a true and complete information in the term agreed upon or at the latest within the time limit of 7 working days after the receipt of request (Art. 45(6));
      • if the body does not provide immediately further explanation with regard to negative reply in accordance with Art. 45(4) (Art. 45(8)).performing supervision over the implementation of the Art. 45 of the Public Media Act. The Information Commissioner acts in these matters as a violations body deciding on violations of Art. 45 (Para. 6 and 8) (in accordance with Art. 45(12)). Violation is possible in following cases: